Montezuma Wordpress Themes

Montezuma Wordpress Themes

Montezuma Wordpress Themes

Montezuma Wordpress Themes is a responsive, totally customizable, search engine optimized HTML5/CSS3 theme with various CSS3/jQuery animations. A little bit of HTML/CSS knowledge is recommended, or at least the desire/willingness to read & learn. PHP knowledge is not required. The hard parts of CSS (layout) are taken care of, you just deal with the fun parts (styling).

  • Responsive: Choose from 10 responsive, 5 flexible and 5 static layouts. On resolutions smaller than 960 pixels the drop down menu is transformed into a select menu and some items like avatars are removed.
  • Edit & create templates online: Montezuma has a virtual file system that lets you edit and create new page templates online in the Montezuma admin area, without the need for uploading files with FTP. The ability to create physical page templates is preserved.
  • Edit PHP code online: You can use a limited set of about 60 WordPress and Montezuma PHP functions while editing or creating page templates. For full PHP access you can still work the traditional way by editing templates on your desktop computer and uploading them through FTP.
  • Auto post thumbnails: Cached auto post thumbnails. Looks for a featured image, then an attached image, then a local image URL. External URLs will not be used, for now. Differently sized post thumbs can be used on a per-template basis. TODO. Use WP transients for caching the URLs as well, not just the image creation as such. I have to think a little bit more about a proper expiration of thumb URLs. Will probably end up deleting all cached URLs on each post and attachment edit.
  • Advanced post excerpts: Set excerpt length and “Read More” link on a per-template basis, instead of having to set it on a site-wide basis.
  • Advanced nextpage pagination: When you split a post or page with the “nextpage” tag the post parts are linked and numbers ( “1,2,3″ ) are used as link text. This is not desirable from a SEO viewpoint. Montezuma lets you replace those numbers with user-defined text. (SEO feature).
  • Numbered page navigation: Better than the default “Next/Previous” links from both a usability and a SEO viewpoint. Uses core WP functions. No WP-PageNavi plugin needed.
  • Auto gallery slideshow: Galleries created with the standard WordPress “gallery” shortcode will get a “colorbox” slideshow applied to it automatically. In the HTML source code the gallery thumbs keep linking to the full attachment pages with the big image embedded, so that search engines can spider those (SEO Feature) while users get the quick, convenient slideshow (which can be stopped). TODO: Provide an extra link for users to get to the attachment pages as well, e.g. for leaving comments on individual images.
  • Seach engine optimized: The included layouts have source ordering built in. Also, some default WordPress markup is removed for a leaner code. Plus see the other features that are tagged with (SEO Feature). Montezuma aims to be compatible with all the popular SEO plugins like “All In One SEO” and Yoast’s SEO. It is not planned to include extensive meta tag related SEO features, those are best left to the proven plugins. The theme will however do many complementary things to improve your SEO score even more.
  • Quicktag buttons: Adds “Quicktag” buttons above comments form. Uses the included quicktags library from WP in a lightweight way. It was astonishingly easy to integrate this, seeing that there are also full-blown plugins for that.
  • Google Fonts: Add any Google font(s) through the Montezuma backend. You surf the Google Fonts website, copy a single line of code from there for each font you want, and paste it into a textarea in the Montezuma backend.
  • Adjust allowed HTML in comments: Add or remove allowed HTML tags for comments. A rather uncommon feature but doesn’t hurt to have I guess.
  • Adjust meta tags: Add or remove default WP meta tags and links such as “XFN” or “generator”. It is a popular request to remove the “WordPress” meta tag from the document head. In Montezuma you can do this with a check box, along with a couple other meta tags and link elements.
  • Various CSS3/jQuery animations: Grayscale effect on post thumbs, dual-colored headings, animated link mouse-overs etc…
  • W3C – valid: WordPress creates some W3C validity issues all by itself (e.g. adding rel=”attachment” to attached images or putting inline style tags right inside DIV’s). Montezuma fixes those so you can pass the W3C test. Although the W3C shouldn’t be taken too seriously many people, especially not so experienced ones, do. Instead of complaining about the W3C Montezuma will fix those issues even if they aren’t really “errors”. Montezuma aims to be 100% W3C valid even if that requires a tiny bit of JavaScript (not needed yet). In a perfect world that might appear to be wrong but there’s already JavaScript all over the place, a little more won’t hurt. 100% valid = no explaining to do.
  • Streamlines WP menus: WordPress prints different HTML/CSS for the various menus, e.g. the category menu gets no ancestor classes, and both category and page menus have different classes than the custom menus created at Appearance > Menus. Montezuma streamlines the HTML output so you can use the same CSS for all menu types. This keeps the CSS small and makes the wholestyling process easier and more consistent. Montezuma also replaces the WP-provided ID based classes for individual items with more intuitive and semantic slug based CSS classes.
  • IE8+. No ugly IE6/7 hacks: Montezuma is compatible with IE8+ and does not support IE6 or IE7 in favor of using all those shiny new CSS3 features. IE7 is at 3% as of Aug 2012 according to hitslink and lower according to others. It should be at 1% sometime in 2013.
Montezuma Wordpress Themes

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